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  • Klaster Cross-Chain Quests: A Journey Through the Blockchain Universe

Klaster Cross-Chain Quests: A Journey Through the Blockchain Universe

Incentives Programme: Welcome to the World of Cross-Chain Adventures!

Hello, blockchain enthusiasts! Are you ready for a thrilling journey across multiple blockchains? Welcome to Klaster Cross-Chain Quests, where managing your digital assets across various chains becomes not just convenient but also rewarding!

How It Works

Klaster's innovative protocol, powered by Chainlink CCIP, transforms the way you handle cross-chain treasuries. With the ability to control assets across Ethereum, Polygon, Avalanche, Optimism, Arbitrum, Base, and BSC from a single Gnosis Safe account (or any other smart contract wallet & EOA), the complexities of managing multiple chains and safes are a thing of the past.

Your Quests Await!

1. The Pioneer Quest: Be one of the first to connect your wallet or safe on any supported network to the Klaster dApp. Your pioneering spirit will be recognized in our incentives program. (Connect to any available chain).

2. The Cross-Chain Conqueror: Deploy your first cross-chain account through the Klaster dApp. This crucial step is your gateway to managing assets seamlessly across multiple chains. Deploy from & to any chain of your choice - tip: watch your gas!

3. The Multi-Chain Maestro: Engage in asset management across all or some of the supported chains. The more chains you operate on, the greater your standing in the incentives program.

For Advanced users

4. The Signer Sync Sage: Update your signer structure. Your diligence in maintaining security and efficiency boosts your rewards.

5. The Gas Guardian: Efficiently manage your gas across chains & sharpen your skills in gas optimization across different networks. Your expertise in managing gas fees efficiently will be recognized and rewarded. Find out which networks are optimized for high volume & low cost.

6. Multiple Accounts Management: For those who love organization, managing multiple accounts with separate addresses for your treasury will not go unnoticed. From one contract deployment, generate as many cross chain wallets as you’d like, for free! Only the ones you use, end up counting in the Incentives Programme.

7. Coming soon: Cross-Chain Swaps: Get ready to directly swap assets from one chain to another through Klaster, enhancing your cross-chain fluency.

Extra Challenges

The Cross-Chain Conductor: Execute transactions across all supported networks. The more transactions you execute, the higher your rank in the incentives program.

The Whale: Manage assets on all chains, while signing on Ethereum. Execute at least 50 transactions from Ethereum.

What's in Store for You

Participation in these quests doesn't just improve your cross-chain management skills but also enrolls you in an exclusive incentives program. As Klaster grows, so do your benefits. Stay tuned for more updates!

Dive into the world of Klaster and experience the future of cross-chain asset management. Your blockchain odyssey begins now! 🚀

Disclaimer: The rewards and incentives mentioned in this post are subject to the terms and
conditions of the Klaster incentives program.*